On Thursday the 7th of March 2013 I delivered an Open Group webinar titled ‘Bridging Business Analysis and Business Architecture’. Since then I have received a number of queries so I’d like to follow up with a quick summary of the presentation. In the presentation I investigate the relationship between the disciplines. I outline the career path that one might take from the business analyst role towards more strategic business architecture roles and also look at techniques to make business architecture more effective in your organisation.
Webinar Video Recording
The presentation also highlights gaps and overlaps between BABOK, BIZBOK and TOGAF® and how using frameworks can support your current activities in this area. Continuing this theme I have recently recorded a podcast with our CEO, Hugh Evans about business architecture and business analysis and what is the future of both of these disciplines. The interview was moderated by Dana Gardner, president and principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions and was published on ZDNet.
Slide Share presentation
We value your contributions so please feel free to do so in the comment section below.
Craig, you have done a fantastic job with capturing all relevant EA to Business Value impacts. Your deck was very insightful, practical and included Enterprise continuum. Thanks for sharing this level knowledge and topics with us in the EA community.
Thank you for this very useful presentation.
I decided to review the EA website on the Enterprise Architecture portal I own “theopenarch.com”
Here the link to the review: http://theopenarch.com/rsrc.html
Hope you can add new information soon!
I liked the infographic and its attempt to show the emerging discipline. I also liked the article on the 9 trends which are emerging. My colleagues and I were talking about these today funnily enough. Most of these trends we are seeing as less trends, less emerging – they are here now.
Most of the techniques and concepts of roles people have are dated and had been developed for another time. As much as people want to hold onto them, times are moving on, business models have shifted, stakeholders expectations have grown and it is not possible to beat a nail into a metal beam as though it was still timber. The world isn’t full of problems that are nails anymore, certainly we can’t go around with a hammer.
Thanks for bringing these topics to the forefront of peoples attention.
Great job Craig. Your ideas and language are uncannily close to mine. And your slides are beautifully clear. I run a course on operating model innovation at Ashridge Business School (www.ashridge.org.uk/bmi). On this course we focus more on the innovate and heuristics parts of your model rather than the algorithm side. But it is so nice to see someone who can layout the full picture.
Very informative, having been on the Lean six sigma front, EA front and now a part of implementing BPM solutions, it makes a lot of sense, putting everything into perspective.
I really enjoyed reading this and think the observations here are very insightful. I completely agree that TOGAF is less business focused and that some architectural artefacts can cause senior stakeholders to glaze over!