Bank Co. is a major provider of retail banking and financial products and services in the Asia Pacific region, with extensive operations throughout Australia and South East Asia, Bank Co. is amongst the top 10 listed companies on the ASX, and employs almost 50,000 world-wide. Through a journey of acquisition, Bank Co. needed to resolve strategies for the rationalisation of overlapping and competing brands amongst its international operations.
The objective of the engagement was to provide Bank Co. with a common language to improve the interactions between the business and technology business units. The basis of this was the definition of a number of views representing the business functions that the organisation currently performed. The views were targeted at supporting and informing decisions about how to organise itself to deliver and service financial offerings to effectively compete in a given regional market.
The models delivered were pivotal in informing decisions relating to the transformation agenda. The model provided views of:
- The detailed business functions performed across the regional business.
- The accountabilities and responsibilities of the functions performed.
- The organisational complexity e.g. duplication and fragmentation.
- The amount of shared, leveraged, and optimised functions performed across the organisation.
- The alignment of the organisation to financial goals and objectives.
- The inherent complexity within the supporting application landscape.
In addition the business had a detailed plan providing a basis for progressing their transformation agenda.
Post-engagement the business had a clear articulation of the baseline operating model. The value of the engagement was to provide business stakeholders with a mechanism to align business and technology investment decisions. This alignment was seen as crucial to achieving the financial goals and objectives, providing an ability to inform short term productivity initiatives and support the longer term organisation transformation agenda.