Jason Davey joins EA’s international consulting practice, FromHereOn*

EA is excited to announce that Jason Davey will be joining the team to lead our Design Practice in Australia and internationally. Jason was formerly CX Program Lead at Westpac Group, Design Mentor at Telstra and Head of Digital at Bupa. Having spent 18 years creating and applying design tools and method for business aligned customer and employee experiences, Jason brings a unique mix of experience, thought leadership and creative mindset to business strategy.

Based in the Sydney office, Jason will lead the evolution of design methods for improving digital experiences and optimising customer journeys. His focus will be to further complement our proven architecture methods with techniques that enable executives to tackle complex business problems and guide strategy.

When asked about his new role Jason commented “In a recent podcast from UX Matters, Jeff Gothelf (author of Lean UX) stated ‘there is still a very strong perception at the executive layer that design makes things look good. Even organisations that invest heavily in them still rarely see design as a strategic partner.’ I’m excited at the opportunity to help organisations achieve an understanding of ‘true customer value’ for their business. Connecting the dots between design and delivery, with customer needs as the driver for transformational & organisational change, is what FromHereOn will be famous for.”

Kristian Hanlon, Client Services Delivery Director said “Jason joining FromHereOn is a real coup. Jason is one of the few senior design thinkers who understands the importance of grounding good design in architecture and integrating human and social centred design as part of the continuous evolution of business and service delivery. Focusing on the alignment between customer, employee and brand experience and leveraging his deep industry and domain expertise, Jason will help FromHereOn’s clients realise what’s possible.”

Jason has worked in Finance, IT, Automotive, Healthcare, Digital Marketing, Infrastructure, Advertising and Legal & Compliance industries. Jason also preaches what he practices on various generalassemb.ly courses.

You can find out more about Jason here or contact him at our Sydney office on (02) 8222 6500.

  • *In 2017, Enterprise Architects (professional services division) will adopt the brand of our international consulting practice FromHereOn. FromHereOn has been Enterprise Architects European brand for many years and reflects the incorporation of a more design-led, humanistic approach to strategy development and implementation aligned to our clients’ broadening requirements.