I’ve been around a few organisations now where I still see Enterprise Architecture being nothing more than a thing that IT people do. There is a terrible lack of trust between the Business and IT organisation, and we still haven’t gotten any closer to having significant and productive discussions about things that matter to getting business done.
Capability Based Planning… and Grass
Is it possible to explore aspects of capability-based planning using out of control grass? As it happens, I’d like to establish a small but effective farm – but what’s that got to do with the price of tea in China you may well ask.
Why Spend Money on EA When Budgets are Tight?
I’m often asked, by both business and technology stakeholders, why they should spend money on enterprise architecture when their budgets are already too tight. A common reaction to budget cuts is to drop strategic work in favour of diverting funds to operational activities. Many fail to recognise that this is the time when a clear enterprise view of the organisation is vitally important. Although a large architecture program may not be appropriate, you may have to invest some money to avoid wasting significant money on poor decisions.