For in the evolution of disruptive service models we must search for a compelling human experience in the value exchange. To design for a compelling human experience we must understand the personal motivation, emotions, behaviours and feelings of the people we serve.

For in the evolution of disruptive service models we must search for a compelling human experience in the value exchange. To design for a compelling human experience we must understand the personal motivation, emotions, behaviours and feelings of the people we serve.

Human-centred design is a humanic, creative and empathetic approach to solving complex and seemingly intractable challenges. It’s an outcome focused journey that starts with empathy and a people first mindset and it ends with innovative solutions that satisfy needs in a meaningful, intuitive way. Human-centred design drives outcomes that underpin the user experience. It requires skills and perspectives, explicit understanding of users, tasks and environments, user-centred evaluation, concept visualisation, collaborative prototyping, design and development. EA’s Human Centred Design and Capability Framework is the product of taking clients through journeys in strategy development, business architecture, customer experience and service design.

We use co-design and architecture techniques to help level dialogue and debate (talking apples and apples), allowing us to work through the key areas of the business in a structured and methodical manner. This provides a complete coverage of strategic concerns, customer insight, employee needs and technology challenges.
We combine human-centred design practices and strategic, business and technology architecture methods to not only establish the vision for business and service models, but establish a clear roadmap for its implementation from people, process, information and technology perspective.

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Activate empathy, unlock potential and exceed customer expectations

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